PRAISE AND WORSHIP | Br.Suresh Babu | Pr. AJI ANTONY | Dr. Blesson Memana | Jisson Antony

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In Kerala:
Bro.Z.Jose, Kirubasanam Church of Christ, Kattakada, Kerala, 625572.
Ph.094 44 77 30 63, 094 44 89 30 63.

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Gpay: 9444773063
Thanking you all

Bro. Z. Jose,
Kirubasanam Church of Christ,
Aalu vilai, Karukkankuzhi, Thickanamcode, Kanyakumari District, TamilNadu. 629804. Contact. 9444773063.

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Holy Land TV is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian digital media channel run by Jose Z who is a Media Enthusiast, Church Worker, and a Bible Teacher. He is also a General Secretary of the Democratic Christian Council. As we go further, we strive to see the development of the minority people towards building peace within the community and people groups, being a voice to the voiceless. To reach or enter the unreached places of Tamil Nadu with utmost priority and in India building the younger generations for the glorious Kingdom by drawing out the inborn talents and gifts of both Kids and youths in nation-building.

Holy Land TV broadcasts its content mainly in Tamil & Malayalam language. We offer High-quality Live streaming Solutions to the general public that includes Wedding Live Stream, Funeral Live Stream, Institutional Program Live Stream, etc. We are well equipped with the latest technology-enabled network and devices to stream your favorite content.

Programs are being invited from Roman Catholic (R.C.), Church of South India (C.S.I.), LMS, Lutheran, Salvation Army, Seventh-day Adventist, All Pentecostal Churches, Schools, Colleges, and all other Educational Institutions, Social Events, and Entertainment Programs. We are also inviting Live programs to be broadcast in our channel that includes Church Festivals, Convention Meetings, Prayer Meetings, Pastor’s Messages, and Funeral Functions. We can also telecast Church Advertisements, Institution Advertisements, and Commercial Advertisements.
Bro Suresh Babu Malayalam